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Steer your research in a technology transfer world


#1 Innovative project

A discovery, the start of a proof-of-concept, an early prototype of your creation: this means that your project is documented. Plans to transfer the project to a company can be made as soon as preliminary studies and results substantiate its feasibility, and as long as the work has not yet been disclosed.
Lutech’s role during this phase is to guide you through a feasibility study, paying close attention to differentiation with respect to the state-of-the-art, applications to focus on, etc.juridique.

#2 Project formalization

At this stage, you can describe the main characteristics of your innovative project clearly. Formalization enables you to start putting together a project proposal so that Lutech can help you make choices regarding the best strategy for protecting intellectual property and transferring your innovation to the socio-economic world.
The purpose of this step is to highlight the innovative nature of your project as well as preliminary results that can be leveraged, and to identify the main contributors to the project and clarify the legal context.

#3 Project evaluation

After working with you to define the best transfer strategy and the required development actions, Lutech can validate your project’s eligibility for being transferred to the business world and determine possibilities for providing assistance.
This evaluation phase comprises four main components:

  • Technical
  • Intellectual propery
  • Socio-economic
  • Legal

#4 Discovery protection

Turning your intellectual property into an asset.
Once your project is accepted, Lutech works with you to protect your discovery and/or its innovative nature.
The purpose of this step is :

  • Discuss your discoveries with third parties, including experts, service providers, and potential users, without running the risk of losing your rights or being subject to a breach of confidentiality
  • Sign one or more technology transfer agreements, such as for licensing options, licensing, or assignment, with industry operators able to generate financial return by leveraging your discoveries for commercial purposes
  • Take action in case of counterfeit of your discoveries by a third party

#5 Technical-economic development

Referred to as “maturation”, this phase serves to accelerate project development and consolidate related intellectual property to maximize chances for transfer.
This program includes tasks that must be completed to obtain the expected deliverables. It also examines Lutech funding for necessities such as consumables, staff, equipment, and/or services. The objective, cost, duration, required results, and potentially a Go / No-go milestone for moving on to the next step are explicit for each task. This program, accompanied by risk and opportunity assessment for investment by Lutech, is then presented to the Lutech Investment Committee for their opinion, so that the CEO or Board of Directors can then take a position regarding whether or not to support the program.

#6 Invention promotion

Definition and deployment of communication strategy
After creating communication materials, such as a project summary sheet, descriptive video, landing page, presentation slides, etc., Lutech identifies prospective industry targets and contacts them to assess their interest. Lutech also presents its portfolio of licensing opportunities at conferences and trade shows it attends.

#7 Project transfer

Negotiating and finalizing contracts for the project’s operating terms and conditions with an existing company or startup. When an industry company expresses its interest in handling the next development steps for an innovative project, or when a startup is created with the innovative project as the basis for its activity, Lutech begins negotiations regarding transfer terms, such as the duration of the transfer, transferred intellectual property assets, financial compensation, etc.
Negotiated financial conditions, including initial payment and operating royalties, are determined based on funding provided for the project and comparable opportunities, with the goal of achieving the appropriate level of return on investment. Beyond financial considerations, negotiation focuses on other important aspects related to commercial use, such as exclusivity and geographical scope.

#8 Project finalization

Finalizing development on the product or service to be commercialized by the operating company. Using the elements transferred by Lutech, including intellectual property assets and maturation results, the licensing company finalizes development of the product or service to be commercialized. This is the case, for example, with clinical trials in the pharmaceutical industry, or industrialization of a prototype for engineering and manufacturing companies.

#9 Market launch

Commercialization of the innovation by the operating company.
The company releases the new product or service on the market. Part of the profit derived from operation, notably royalties defined in the transfer contract, enables Lutech to earn a return on investment that it uses to provide financial compensation to the players and organizations at the origin of the project.

We assist you

    Please answer the questions below by checking the boxes:

    Has the invention been protected (patent, APP filing, copyright, etc.)? YesNo

    Have you developed a prototype or complete proof-of-concept? YesNo

    Do you have industry partners and/or contacts? YesNo

    Are you interested in creating a startup? YesNo

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